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Kait's Live Chat Solutions: Transform Your Customer Experience

Jun 15, 2022 5 min read

Kait's Live Chat Solutions: Transform Your Customer Experience

Let your customer service teams take relief from the daily work! Indeed, we are not pressing you to close down the customer interactions but to embrace the new change. The live chat solutions from Kait transform the customer experience to the next level.

Customers have a say in it. They believe us and say they prefer live chat over social media and email. Customers want live chat instead of untimely phone calls! Why?

It is because live chat solutions from Kait make the communication process efficient, fast, and convenient. Yet, the benefits are not limited to these. It dramatically helps businesses improve their support team's performance and boost agent productivity.

Before counting on the benefits, here is the first question answered for you.

Why are live chat solutions critical?

Let's accept it: Customer service is the backbone of every business. You cannot communicate without it! If your company wants to build a sustainable yet profitable customer base, live chat solutions are the next thing for you to invest in.

In this digital age, live chats generate satisfaction levels of 73 percent. This is just 63% for support emails and 44% for phones. Not only the numbers, one more factor is the customer retention rate is high for the companies which use live chat solutions. So, why does a customer love live chat?

Why choose live chat for a customer?

Instant Conversation

Customers don't want a long wait time. A live chat acts as a bridge between the customer and the required solution. Certainly, there is no need to dial a number or press buttons continuously. Live chats connect the customer directly to the agent with just a few clicks.

Customers can multitask

It is one of the greatest benefits of using live chat solutions. How? It is because 51% of customers say that they prefer live chat because it helps them do multi-tasking. Since the wait time is short, they can get on doing something else.

The Conversations can be stored

There is no need to scroll along with lengthy emails. The conversations can be stored and used as and when required. It is the primary reason that live chat solves almost all queries within one minute.

On-spot solution

Customers can have their queries resolved in a fraction of time. On-sport resolutions are better as they save customers' time and enhance their experience with your brand.

Benefits of using Live Chat Solutions

Customer Acquisition and On-boarding

Live chat can track visitors' preferences to your website or app. It is for this reason businesses use them for customer acquisition. Whenever a customer has a question before buying anything from your business, they rely on live chat. It gives them the confidence to get along with the deal and thus, benefits your company's customer base.

Helps Build Rapport with Customers

Imagine an ongoing chat. An agent would be able to observe the customer's tone. Understanding the sentiment is important as they adjust their following replies and style to fit the situation best. This is what the live chats can do more effectively. Kait's live chatbot solutions are built with ML, AI, and NLP, which helps bots to mirror customers' sentiments.

Indeed, this builds a good rapport with the customer.

Prevents Repetition of the Customers

Do you know that 72% of the customers expect the agents to know their details? It can range from the product order history or the product information. They don't want to answer each detail every time they connect to the agent.

The live chatbots can store all information and, at the right time, can match them to prevent the repetition of the customers. The data helps the chatbots segregate them on different factors and simplify customer queries with the right solution.


Kait provides an easy setup for modern business chats. We know your business needs the power to flourish with the help of modern tech tools, so we give completely automated live chat solutions that help you personalize the replies.

Don't worry about the data. It is entirely safe as they are encrypted. Now, you can be in with us to join a transformed business era to connect with your audience directly and more freely – anytime and anywhere!

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